
Fifteen years ago I tried to convert. I was attending a Chabad schul. The Rabbi was supportive of me coming and learning about Judaism but when I wanted to convert he said: I cannot provide.

I tried three times but I could not succeed. I stopped coming to the schul more due to the disappointment. I was coming from the Christian Orthodox background. I remember this feeling I had while being in schul.... Every single time I was feeling that I come back home and I was having my eyes in tears... Is beyond me... the only way I could explain this is that maybe my soul is Jewish... I do not have anyone in the family Jewish. But I was surprised to find out after a genetic test that my ancestors were also from Ukraine 23% among which 14% were ashkenazi Jews. Maybe this is explaining my emotions and feelings...

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Hi Alex, we're so sorry you went through that experience. We're not sure if you finally did convert, but if not, we're here to help you. Reach out to us at support@darshanyeshiva.org. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you for your kindness.

I wanted at that time to go for Orthodox conversion. Since I simply could not return to Christian Orthodox Church mostly due to theological issues I was looking around what other Monotheistic religion was. I found Islam. My practice in the schul helped me understand what is the true monotheism, so that helped me in understanding Islam.

Meantime I accepted Islam, married a wonderful open minded lady, muslim too.

We respect everyone and make no difference between people of different faiths. Is everyone conscience and we respect that. We are not religious, but rather God conscious and try to do good. I still have my Siddur, Tanakh, Chumash Stone Edition, all bought from Artscroll. Now and then I read and pray from them...

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We're glad you found a faith that is meaningful to you, Alex. And we wish you many, many more wedding anniversaries in the future :-)

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Hi, is it possible to do the Darshan training for the knowledge and wisdom of it, even if we are probably unable to become darshanim due to long-term disability or chronic illness? I'm asking because I definitely have an interest in the program, but if I am required to do field work as part of the program, then I probably cannot do it. Otherwise, I would love to consider it (all things Jewish). I am assuming(?) also that it is self-paced like DY's other programs. Thanks in advance.

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You are not required to do field work. This is the ideal program for someone who is unable to participate in programs that require in-person work of any kind. Love to have you join!

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